Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope everyone has had a great summer and is getting ready to kick off the 2024-25 school year. Be sure to mark your calendars for the mandatory parent meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 20 at 5:00 PM in the Dimmick School Gym for any student wishing to participate in an extracurricular activity (Softball, Baseball, Girls' Basketball, Boys' Basketball, Cheer, Volleyball, Scholastic Bowl, Play, and or Track). Please be sure to check below for which grades are eligible to participate in each activity.  

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OFFERED: (Page 25 of the Parent-Student Handbook found on the website under the Parent Tab)

Girls’ & Boys’ basketball 5th-8th

Cheerleading 7th-8th

Girls’ volleyball 5th-8th

Boys’ and Girls’ track and field 5th-8th grade.

Scholastic Bowl 7th-8th

Band 4th-8th

School Play 5th-8th (Other grades determined annually)

Girls’ softball 8th (7th determined annually based on participation rates) (IESA Cooperative: Holy Cross & Waltham)

Boys’ baseball 8th (7th determined annually based on participation rates) (IESA Cooperative: Holy Cross & Waltham)

There will need to be at least one parent/guardian present to fulfill the requirement. Failure to attend may impact your child's ability to participate. At the meeting there will be a sign-in to verify that you have met the requirement. There will also be a sign-up for covering the scoreboard and book for all home games. These roles must be covered by someone at least 18 years of age. If we do not get volunteers for each level and sport at all home games, we will assign parents/guardians. There is a short training video on how to work the scoreboard on our website under the "Sports and Extracurricular" tab.

As a reminder, you must submit your proof of Health Insurance, an up to date Sports Physical, a signed Concussion Form, and a signed Parent-Student Acknowledgement Form for your child to be participating in Softball, Baseball or Girls' Basketball. Beginning Monday, August 12, if you have not submitted all four of these documents and fully registered your child for school, they will not be able to participate. Coaches will be notified of those who have not fulfilled these requirements.

It is also important to note that if your child will be participating in girls' or boys' basketball or volleyball that you are expected to work in the concession stand. The Booster Club will distribute a schedule for each sport. Parents/guardians are expected to cover their assigned night. If you cannot, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. The Booster Club does a great job supporting our extracurricular programs and needs everyone to do their part.

Tribe Baseball & Softball Spirit Wear Order

Below is a link to order Tribe Softball and Baseball fan gear. Please note, the order deadline is Sunday, August 11. This was also sent out via the Team Reach app.

Girls' Basketball Spirit Wear Order

Below is the link for the Girls' Basketball spirit wear order. Please note the deadline is Monday, September 2

Extracurricular Warmup Order

Warmups are NOT required, they are optional. Warmups will be the same or very similar to those from last year, and are the same for all activities. If your child already has one they can certainly use it. Below is the link for those who wish to order one for the 2024-25 school year.  The deadline to place the order is Wednesday, August 28. 


8th Grade Extracurricular Banners

This year the Dimmick PTO will be purchasing 2' by 3' banners for 8th grade students participating in extracurricular activities (Softball, Baseball, Girls' Basketball, Boys' Basketball, Cheer, Volleyball, Scholastic Bowl, Play, and or Track). The photographer will be at school at 9:00am on Monday, August 26 to take pictures. Students are encouraged to wear their black warmups if they have them. If not, they can either borrow from a teammate for the picture or wear another Dimmick spirit wear top preferably a dark color. The banners will include all of the extracurricular activities the student will be participating in and hang on the east wall of the gym throughout the 2024-25 school year. At the conclusion of the year students may take them.  

That's all for now. Thanks!

Mr. Ryan Linnig
