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*Revised* Dimmick Reopening/Transition

Dear Dimmick Families,

I hope you and your children are excited that the start of the school year is almost here.  Our entire staff has been working hard, training and preparing for school to resume in order to ensure we are doing all we can to provide exceptional learning experiences under these challenging and unique times. While this year will not look like any other experienced before for any of us, we will continue to navigate through whatever comes our way and make the most of it.  

Attached is a copy of the revised Reopening/Transition Plan.  All revisions have been highlighted throughout the document.  In addition, there are links to the learning platforms that will be used by the teachi

ng staff for both in-person and remote learning (SeeSaw - K-2) and (Google Classroom - 3-8).  By housing all learning experiences/activities in these systems we hope to create greater consistency and ease for students, parents and teachers.  It is strongly advised that ALL parents, of both in-person and remote learners, check out the tutorials fo

r either or both SeeSaw and Google Classroom depending on the grade your child is in.

There is also a link included to the plan to the Illinois Department of Public Health and LaSalle County Health Department's guidance on excluding students from school.  Please be sure to read that chart located in the plan as soon as possible.  We need ALL parents to understand the importance of keeping your child at home is they exhibit any COVID related symptoms or if there is someone in your home that is awaiting test results from a possible exposure to COVID.  If we all do our part, and remain vigilant in our efforts we will be able to continue to offer in-person learning for our students.

If you haven't done so already, please be sure read the Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures email that was sent out earlier.  

We want to thank everyone for your continued support!

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