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Heat Related Changes for Wednesday and Thursday

Dear Dimmick Families, The weather forecast indicates an extreme heat watch with peak heat indices of 100 degrees or more on Wednesday and Thursday. Fortunately our entire facility is airconditioned so the school day will remain as is on the calendar with dismissal on Wednesday at 2:15pm and Thursday at 3:15pm.

We realize the buses will be warm at dismissal time but temperatures remain nearly the same throughout the afternoon varying less than a degree or two, so an early release will not result in any significant difference on the bus ride home. If you choose to pick up your child at the end of the day, please notify the office so that your child is in the correct line for dismissal.

All school activities will be held indoors, including lunch, recess, and P.E. on Wednesday and Thursday.

There will be no outdoor practices for either baseball or softball on Wednesday or Thursday. It looks like the forecast is more favorable on Friday, so we plan to be back to normal. We will keep you posted if there are any further changes. We look forward to getting the school year started and appreciate your continued support!


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Summer Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-1:00PM

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