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Dimmick C.C.S.D. #175 Reopening/Transition Plan

Dear Dimmick Families,

As we look to the start of the 2020-21 school year, I realize there is a great deal of uncertainty.  While we would love nothing more than to announce that we are able to kick off the year in a typical manner, that simply is not possible.  While the situation continues to evolve, our transition team, comprised of teachers and administration has been analyzing the results of the “2020-21 School Year Survey” from parents, the guidance of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE),  the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in order to develop a plan that emphasizes the highest quality of learning we can offer in the safest manner possible.  Attached is the plan that was developed.

We also understand that no plan will be ideal for every family however, the plan does provide two options for parents to consider.  We also need all of our families to understand that this plan is a fluid document and may change as we progress through the school and as new information comes available from ISBE, IDPH, CDC, and other sources of information and feedback.  

While the plan will outline many key areas, it will not address every question you have.  Parents will be asked to commit to either the “in-person” or “remote” option for the entire first trimester as our plan is designed to cover the school year trimester by trimester.   A link to the form is also included in the email and we ask that all parents please complete form by Wednesday, August 5 so that we can make proper arrangements. 

You are encouraged to contact Mr. Linnig  or Mrs. Rossman with any questions you have.  We will be following up with additional information and details between now and the start of the school year.

We want to thank you for your continued support of our students, staff, and school!


Mr. Ryan Linnig



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