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8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

The Class of 2021 graduated on Friday, May 21st @ 6:00PM at an outdoor ceremony here at Dimmick School.

Class of 2021

Haiden Ator

Ellie Brooks

John Crane

Robert Downey

Lincoln Eitutis

Natalie Eltrevoog Nathan Ernat

Abigail Hammerich

James Hoehn

Morgan Hoscheid

Kathleen Hunter

Thomas Jarrell

Gianna Kramer

Callie Mertes

Keya Patel

Ty Reeder

Jackson Sellett

Elizabeth Sines

Devin Zborowski


Keya Patel


Morgan Hoscheid

Special awards were given to the following students:

PTO Scholastic Award

Morgan Hoschied

Carly Genslinger-Leopold

James Hoehn

John Baker Citizenship Award

Abby Hammerich

Kent Pratt Leardership Award

Ellie Brooks

Eric Dawson Award

Morgan Hoschied

Presidents Education Awards

Haiden Ator, Ellie Brooks, Natalie Eltrevoog, Morgan Hoschied, Gianna Kramer, Callie Mertes, Keya Patel, Jackson Sellett and Eli Sines.


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